Saturday, October 25, 2014

The Last Day of School....

There are almost no words to describe this day in our region...

No mother raises her child to send them off to school to die.

Or pull a gun out of a backpack and shoot people in the cafeteria.....

...and then turn that gun on himself.

I have prayed and cried and prayed again and again today...

People just keep coming to mind that desperately need the help of someone in charge.

Someone who can do something.

Someone who is in control when



out of

 c o n t r o l....

Just three weeks ago I sat in the bleachers with my husband at Marysville Pilchuck High School. I distinctly remember thinking about the moms on the other side of the field... about how right at that moment we were cheering against each other, but in the face of something harder... a real battle perhaps... we would be on our knees together. I told my husband that as we left the field that night...

...and today is that day.

Nothing can prepare you for something like this.


But I do believe, with all my heart, that you can be carried through something




By Jesus Himself.

I asked today that the Lord would carry the parents who were frantically trying to locate their kids...

 The teachers who were doing their best to protect and direct terrified students...

The law enforcement officers that were responding...

The medical staff that were readying themselves to attend to unthinkable wounds...

For teens across the region that would get this news and respond in every imaginable way...

And that as people look for answers that they might find The Answer in Jesus Himself.

Only He can make sense of this. 

Only He can comfort and heal on the level this requires.

I sit here in my quiet room, my chosen coping mechanisms close by, (hot tea and sunflower seed/thompsons raisins mix), and two peaceful pups relaxed from the bath I inflicted on all three dogs this evening as part of a therapeutic exercise as well. I hear my son clomping around downstairs with his size 11 shoes...

and I am beyond thankful that he is down there doing whatever it is that his teenage stomach is dictating.

I lit a candle today in the midst of the unfolding of the details of the horror at MPHS, to be a tangible reminder that Jesus IS the light of the world. That no matter how dark the situation, that darkness doesn't dim his light. No, He shines all the brighter. 

I don't understand the whys of today.

But I do know Who.




Nothing is too big, or terrifying, or horrific for Him.

He is always the First Responder... For He is always, ever, there.

I will be praying for everyone involved, all those affected by this tragedy, for a long time to come.

And especially for the families of the students whose last day of school was


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