Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Train wreck redemption...

I don't know who needs to hear this.

Maybe it's just me. 

And if so, I'm okay with that and absolutely welcome the reminder. 

Lord knows I've looked back on my life at times and have only seen a train wreck....

I just had a vision of an actual train wreck. Three engines. Countless cars. Even a caboose. Gnarled into the most ominous mess. It had been there for many many many years. No one ever even bothered to remove it from the tracks....

From a distance it was hideous and frightening.

But upon closer inspection there were birds of all sizes and colors who had made their homes in the nooks and crannies.  

Rabbits had birthed the young in the lower cars... The stuffing from the Conductors seat would be the first thing their little noses would nuzzle. 

Bees had moved their hive into the caboose and the hum could be heard for miles. 
Honeysuckle was growing in every which way in and out and up and around. Morning glory too. 

Sunflowers and poppies poked their lovely faces around the jagged metal as if to say 'Peek A Boo!'.

Spider webs like lace shimmered in the sunlight and grasshoppers jumped in every direction among the long grass that had grown. 


There was life everywhere. 

Beautiful life moving in and making beautiful something that had been a nightmare. 


This is redemption. 

Wednesday, February 8, 2017

If Walls Could Speak

I am at a point in my life where I must re-calibrate. 

Everything is the same, but the awareness is different.

More on that another time.

For now I am going to log all of the words from the walls of my office... right here.

Pictures too.

Change has never been easy for me, ever.

This change won't be either, but I know it must happen.

So here is what my walls have to say:

"Train for the trial you are not yet in." ~ Levi Lusko

"I don't know if you can truly ever be a servant of the Lord if you are not willing to be someone's aid." ~ Christine Caine

"It's not about who I am, but WHOSE I am." ~ Unknown

"Trusting God's plan is THE ONLY SECRET I KNOW in the gentle art of NOT FREAKING OUT." ~ Lysa Terkeurst

"There is always, always, always something to be thankful for." ~ Ann Voskamp

"What causes fights and quarrels among you? Don't they come from your desires that battle within you?" ~ The NIV Bible

"The spotlight that is on you will kill you if the light of Christ in you is not greater." ~ Christine Caine

"Only speak words that make souls stronger." ~ Unknown

"Do better now my child." ~ Ravi Zacharias expressing the heart of God for the failure laden

"Progress is progress no matter how slow." ~ Unknown

"God is working on your behalf. Heaven is holding conversations about you. Angels have been assigned. Be at peace." ~ Unknown

"On the other side of your pain is purpose." ~ Christine Caine

"The truth is so valuable that it is often surrounded by a bodyguard of lies." ~ Ravi Zacharias

"Complete Treasure" ~ our words of the year for 2016

"Manipulation is the nasty little brother of coercion." ~ Unknown

"Behold I am doing a new thing." ~ God

"And He who was seated on the throne said; 'Behold I am making all things new.' " ~ Revelation 21:5

"If we could get us to get our eyes off us and onto the greatness of God, it would CHANGE EVERYTHING." ~ Christine Caine

"I believe in the sun even when it's not shining. I believe in love even when I'm alone. I believe in God even when He is silent." ~ Unknown

"I love you to the moon and back again." On a gift poster from a dear friend.

"Hurried by worry delays the comfort of God." ~ Ann Voskamp

"I have loved you with an everlasting love." ~ God

"The only true disability in life is a BAD ATTITUDE. You get to choose." ~ Unknown

"There are four areas that you look to for absolutes: Evil, Justice, Love, and Forgiveness." ~ Ravi Zacharias

"Freedom is a blood type... Jesus' Blood!" ~ Unknown

"We fight from Victory not for victory. Jesus wins." ~ Unknown

"There comes a time when you have to make what Jesus did for you bigger than anything anyone did or said to you." ~ Christine Caine

"Worry is believing God won't get it right. Bitterness is believing God got it wrong." ~ Unknown

"A labor of love. 'We will be rewarded for good works done in obedience to God, according to His power and for His glory." ~ Charles Stanley

"Walking by Faith is just life without scheming." ~ Unknown

 "Keep moving forward... Trust, Obey, Trust, Obey...." ~ Me

"God is good, All the time." ~ Poster made by a Volunteer from Special Friends Camp

"Enjoy the little things." ~ Unknown

"Take a look at your heart. Because the day you see your heart as desperately wicked and in need of Jesus is the day you could become an answer rather than a question." ~ Ravi Zacharias

"God has already taken into account the wrong turns, the mistakes, in your life. Quit beating yourself up and accept His mercy." ~ Unknown

"Pray to God and carry on." ~ Unknown

"Lust can hardly wait to get. Love can hardly wait to give." ~ Unknown

"Lord, help me to remember that nothing is going to happen to me today that you and I together can't handle." ~ Unknown

"Death either takes you to your treasure or from it." ~ Levi Lusko

"Happiness is being married to your best friend." ~ Unknown

"To sin is to state: 'God I do not want you to be my King.' " ~ Unknown

"Whatever problem lies ahead of you doesn't compare to the power of the person behind you." ~ Ann Voskamp

Most of these quotes and sayings were written on small post-it notes that had minuscule pieces of duct tape holding them onto the wall. They are safely nestled in my lovely cherry red trash can now that they are memorialized here.

I think it's safe to say that I have surrounded myself with positive truths. Words that take my mind to places that encourage me to press on in the good and to depart from the bad. Then there is beauty....

Faces I love.

Faces I pray for.

Faces I have never met but tug on my heart each time I look at them.



Things that remind me of the treasure in my mine-field past.

Images that bring me hope.

Gifts from friends.



Meant to bring courage in.

If you stalk my Facebook wall enough you will piece together hints of my past that paint a picture.

Parts of that picture are hard to look at. 

Finger painting has always been one of my favorite ways to paint. 

I love to not just see the paint going onto the canvas, but to feel it. 

I've been that way since I was a child. 

To move it and watch it change as I go.

That little girl had no idea what was ahead.  

Or what kind of images her choices would portray. 
Much of my life was like an 18 month old with black oil paint in a wedding dress boutique. 

My ability to see the long term effects of my choices was nil.

My choices were all driven by emotions that were out of control.

If I had any compass at all, True North changed daily.

The fallout left scars. 

Not just on myself, but on those closest to me.

There are places in my heart that are cauterized by the fire of consequence.

was a magnet for hurtful people.

Who didn't just hurt me.

When you come from darkness like that...

When the Lord rescues you and clothes you and heals you in both mind and body.

There is an enemy that doesn't want you stop staring at the carnage.

Rehashing the what-if's.

But every time I'm tempted, I hear a familiar voice say, "If the Son has set you free, you are free indeed." And, "Be Still and Know that I am God." And, "Come to Me all you who are weary and heavy laden, and I will give you rest."

If I am going to live in the Light, I have to surround myself with the Truth.

If I am going to never go back to those awful ways of thinking and living, I have to fix my eyes on what lies ahead. What has been promised to me.

To think on what is good and true and lovely and....

Jesus in His mercy has been so good to me. 

He is in control and is able to do the impossible.

His promises are true. Always.

I need to remind myself of that daily.

So I surround myself with truth, with reminders of His goodness in my life despite the mine fields.

What do you surround yourself with?